We are an Open Alliance.
The Alliance of
bolted joints.
FEX. tries to answer and integrate the interests of the different links that form the value chain of the screwed connections, with two clear lines of action:
- Product & Technology
- Market
FEX. aims to be a specific agent in the field of unions, without the intention of replacing or overlapping the capacities and support of existing agents, but rather to intermediate and complement them for the benefit of companies in the sector.
Lines of action
Develop knowledge to generate value in the product and services of the value chain of the screwed Connections.
As a benchmark for companies in the value chain of bolted joints in the Basque Country, achieve a level of brand recognition (“fastening solutions Basque Country”) at an international level that facilitates the dialogue of companies with leading clients.
We answer and integrate the interests of the different links that form the value chain of the screwed connections.
Machinery suppliers
Stamping machines, Lathes, Machining centers, Quality control machines, Test equipment, Tools and Others.
Raw material suppliers
Wire drawing, Steels, Alloys, INOX, Aluminum and HSS.
Providers of Knowledge and Technology
Training centers, Technology centers and 4.0. Industry specialist.
Suppliers of auxiliary manufacturing processes
Heat treatments, Mechanical treatments and Coating s.
Bolted joints
Cold stamping, Hot stamping, Bar turning, Screws, Bolts and
bars, Nuts, Washers, Mounting solutions, Maintenance.
FEX. objectives.
Our goal is to offer specialized support to companies in the union value chain.
- to generate value in the product and service areas
- driving the transformation of process companies to product / service companies
- with a comprehensive product / technology - market perspective, which allows anticipating risks and opportunities for the sector in the medium-long term
- gain visibility and recognition before clientes